Place Description: Podiatrist Vereeniging (Mohammed Podiatrists) – Great Podiatrist in Vereeniging
Podiatrist Vereeniging (Mohammed Podiatrists) Location
Podiatrist Vereeniging (Mohammed Podiatrists) is conveniently located at I M A Medical Centre, 22 Somnath Ave, Roshnee, Vereeniging. Clients in this area can easily access their services and benefit from their expertise in podiatry. With a convenient location and state-of-the-art equipment, Podiatrist Vereeniging (Mohammed Podiatrists) is to providing foot care to their clients.
Podiatrist Vereeniging (Mohammed Podiatrists) Contact
To schedule an appointment with Podiatrist Vereeniging (Mohammed Podiatrists), clients can call 076 198 5700. Some helpful questions to ask during the call include availability, costs of services, types of services offered, and the availability of weekend appointments and emergency services. The friendly staff at Podiatrist Vereeniging (Mohammed Podiatrists) will be happy to assist and answer any questions.
Podiatrist Vereeniging (Mohammed Podiatrists) Working Hours
Podiatrist Vereeniging (Mohammed Podiatrists) is open from Monday to Friday from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. They are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. It is recommended to schedule an appointment in advance, as walk-in appointments may not always be available. However, for emergency cases, Podiatrist Vereeniging (Mohammed Podiatrists) will make every effort to accommodate clients.
Podiatrist Vereeniging (Mohammed Podiatrists) Ratings
At the moment, Podiatrist Vereeniging (Mohammed Podiatrists) does not have any ratings on Google. However, their team of podiatrists and modern facilities have received positive feedback from their clients. They strive to provide podiatric care and are committed to ensuring the satisfaction of their clients.