Place Description: Mostert Elfrieda S: Dentist Near You in Kempton Park
Mostert Elfrieda S is a dentist located in Kempton Park, Johannesburg. As the owner of a modern and well-equipped dental practice, Mostert Elfrieda S offers a wide range of dental services to her clients. These include general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, and more.
Mostert Elfrieda S’s office is conveniently located at Birchmed Surgical Centre, 8 Tiger Rd, Birchleigh, Kempton Park. This central location makes it easily accessible for clients in the surrounding areas. Whether you live in Birchleigh, Kempton Park, or any of the surrounding suburbs, you can benefit from the quality dental services provided by Mostert Elfrieda S.
Mostert Elfrieda S Contact
To schedule an appointment with Mostert Elfrieda S, you can contact her at 011 391 2790. When calling, be sure to inquire about her availability, costs, services offered, and whether she offers appointments on weekends or emergency services. This will ensure that you have all the necessary information before booking your appointment.
Mostert Elfrieda S’s Working Hours
Monday: NaN
Tuesday: NaN
Wednesday: NaN
Thursday: NaN
Friday: NaN
Saturday: NaN
Sunday: NaN
Unfortunately, Mostert Elfrieda S’s working hours are not currently available. Please contact the office for more information on specific working hours and appointment availability.
Mostert Elfrieda S currently has a Google rating of 3.8 based on 14 reviews. Her clients have consistently her for her professional demeanor, quality services, and friendly staff. While not all businesses may have perfect ratings, Mostert Elfrieda S strives to provide the possible experience for her clients.